Tuesday, April 18, 2017

colonies unit done

Colonies unit=done
Oh wow! A great phase is over! Can't believe that the loyal legion was the most successful! If you don't know what i'm talking about, It's the amazing, great, most popular colonies simulation! It was probably the most liked social studies unit. You went through a simulation of a made up colony. The colonies in our class were
  • The Loyal legion
  • The Golden lions
  • United unicorns
  • Bosses
  • The Silver Stars

  You got a discovery guide to record
everything including Food units,people  animals and more  {and what happened with them in each of your rounds.}  In a round you're colony would choose fait cards for weather, farming, hunting, fishing and general welfare. Eventually you could trade with your local natives{Acorns, irrocks,                                              Seques} Or another colony. Remember it wasn't all great stuff that happened to your colony! Towards the end of the unit you could battle! { Between a colony or natives} Lets see what people think about this ending.
Ashleigh says……… “Sad because it was really fun. It was a good way to learn about the colonies.”

Anna says………. “Kind of sad but not horribly because we did it for a while so.”

Gaby says…….. “Very sad because it was to do during school. It was kind of like a game, you picked a card and see what happens”.  
So many people were sad but not SAD. I personally was very sad because it was a great experience. But others didn't care for it as much……

Samatha says…………. “I don't really care”.         

But i know she was in a colony that fighted a lot because i heard from other people in that colony.

Well it was a very emotional rollercoaster experience ending this unit. But i hope we have another one like it in the future!



Unfair Teachers

Unfair Teachers
Hello, this 123 News and my name is Mr. HingleMcCringle Berry, and I have news. Young men as know as Tatum Bethany, Art Chen-Wei, and Epley win has felt like they have been mistreated because of their gender.

One Glenridge student as know as Art says that unfair teachers won’t let boys be who they are because they don’t like the way the boys are. He’s been one of the students who teachers don’t like the most joined with Epley Win and Tatum Bethany. Multiple GIRLS said that they see how we feel and they think it happens a lot to.  One girl goes by the name of Samara says that “ she thinks that at least 25% of the teachers are unfair. A elementary school teacher by the name of Mrs. Scotino says that she has seen it before but, she knows in other schools that they send a message to girls that they aren’t good at math and science which affects how they do on their test. They say that it’s gotten so bad that it’s not making them have fun at school. And that can affect their grades. And maybe they might not get in a college and then they might not get a good job because they didn’t go to college, then they have failed in life.  

This just hasn't happened at their school, but all over. For example Education US says that boys performed better on standardized exams in math, reading and science than their course grades reflected. But the teachers still graded the boys worst than the girls. Time says that teachers would give boys lower grades than girls even if their work is the same as or even higher.

Just to let you know that the three gentlemen have decided to talk to their principle about the situation and trying to make a change. I see a great future in these gentlemen. They wrote a 367 letter to explain why they think that they have been treated unfairly because of their gender. That's all for today, I’m Mr. HingleMcCringle Berry and this is 123 news. Back to you Phil.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Discovery: Choose Your Own Project

Discovery: Choose Your Own Project

By Anna and Ashleigh

This past year all the Discovery projects have been guided, making cardboard arcade games, building cardboard roller coasters, and planning fundraisers. But now… they finally get to choose their own topic to do something about.
During the month of April 5S has been choosing a problem they care about to help fix, for example one group is solving the problem of unorganized desks, while another group is solving the problem of pollution and another is exploring the idea, if fidgets help learning. Most people like our new discovery projects but some would like to get more materials available to use.
Though the 5th graders have freedom they still have to use their time to help others.
Some people may not like our new Discovery time because we have to use it to help others and not research something we want to know more about, but most people enjoy the freedom.

Choosing their own project gives the kids a freedom that they don’t get most of the time. Most of the time all of the kids are very focused on their projects and they use their time wisely, so shouldn’t they get opportunities like this all of the time? Or not?