Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Crazy Fall Weather

Crazy Fall Weather
By: Julia

Fall is usually the time of year where weather transitions from warm to cold. Fall is like a nice warm and cold mixture. But, 2016 is different.

How is 2016 different?
Last Thursday, November 17, it was a high of 80°, shorts weather. This weekend, November 19 and 20, has been around 30° to 40º.  A lot of people are blaming it on global warming. Is that the case here?
Global Warming
What is Global Warming? Google’s definition is “A gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.” Some real world examples are: Sea ice not freezing as far out or as thick, which is bad for polar bears, life on the planet is causing ocean temperatures to warm, sea levels to rise which means places on the coasts could be under water in less than 15 years. Weather is climate, and human activities are making the climate get dangerously hot. To find more information, click here.

Typical Weather
Scientist say that “2016 will be the warmest year on record”, according to And we have already witnessed this while finishing Fall.”  Research site shows that the average high is 55ºF and the average low is 38ºF in November. This past Fall has had a weather swing; we have had either very hot or very cold, we have not had typical Fall weather.

Some ways to prevent global warming:
  • Electric cars
  • Walking
  • Riding bikes
  • Using less carbon dioxide

Have you been noticing the weather changes too?

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