Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Elephants Extinct or Not

Elephants Extinct or Not

By:Elsie GTBS

    Did you know African Elephants might go extinct in a decade? The reason for this is because poachers are chopping off elephants’ heads for the tusks. I know, can you believe it? These people are chopping off heads just for money. Now this is what I call ridiculous!!
            This is Nonsense
   This nonsense has been happening for at least a week now. There was an airplane that was flying around Africa and counting how many elephants that they saw alive. Unfortunately, they saw more laying on the ground dead than alive.            
 If They Go Extinct
   This means we need to stop those poachers! Stop those poachers! Stop those poachers! OK, now that we have protested, we need to think about why poachers would do that to poor little animals that cannot help if they have horns on their heads. That is what people should think about. Is it really worth killing millions of African Elephants just for money? Some poachers are probably telling people that they know someone who is telling lies but they are being charlatans.
There was two Chinese poachers who got sent to jail for 30 years because they slaughtered 266 African Elephants. Now this, my friend, is why you should not poach animals of any kind. Now that you know all of these facts please take it and learn more. Thank you for reading this.

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