Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Rap Battle

Epic Rap Battle of History
It was a normal Wednesday recess 5th grade kids were playing all kinds of games but around 9 boys were playing this “army game’’ and one girl named Sara wanted to join this game so she went up to the boys and asked to join, the boys said NO!so she asked one more time and the boys still said “no” so she went away for about three minutes and she came back with with two more girls they chanted “Human Rights Human Rights” and then the boys were getting a little annoyed so they chased them away  and kept chasing them ti’ll it was time for lunch.
Thursday was close to the same as Wednesday the three girls tried again and the boys said no so the three girls went away for two minutes and then came back with around 15 girls and they were chanting “Girls Girls Girls” it looked like the boys were saying curse words under their breaths but they were really saying “oh no’’ and the the boys went up to the girls being completely outnumbered but the boys didn't care.
The girls were challenging the boys to competitions and the boys were doing the same so it went on like this for a while but then they settled for a rap battle the boys were up first T-Dizzle or Tatum was about go until the bell interrupted him so it was going to continue tomorrow.

The Battle
It was Friday both sides met up at the right side of the playground boys were up first like yesterday “Sweet dollar tea from Mcdonalds I drink that” Tatum said the girls were just silent then it was their turn, they danced and sang instead of rap.It went on like this until the bell rang.
On Monday a new rapper entered the boys side his name was Big Trouble or Alex J he rapped like T-Dizzle he said “debit cards I swipe that, the weather I check that, after a win naps I take that” then the girls were up they were stuttering they didn't have much to say.
The girl Sara Levenson who was the first to try and join the “army” said that the whole rap battle was unnecessary and thinks the boys were not taking it seriously and she thinks the girls did take it seriously and thinks the girls totally dominated the boys.
Now on the other hand Tatum or T-Dizzle says “the boys spit straight bars and thinks the boys crushed the girls” and thinks the girls were annoying.
Then Epley said that “the girls didn't take it seriously and the girls need to improve and need to spit more bars.He also said that “the boys need to improve just a little”.All the boys thought it was really fun.Some girls thought it was fun as well.

The Fight Is Over
The rap battle ended Thursday the 15th of September.Who knows maybe the rap battle will continue but for now the battle has ended each side with their own opinion of who won. Their out in the world doing something different like a lion and a tiger in the jungle who just had a fight.Maybe the two sides will meet again like that same lion and tiger in the wild but for now it's a big world and they’re preparing to battle again.

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