Friday, October 28, 2016

Hurricane Mathew

By Abby
On September 28, 2016 a hurricane named Hurricane mathew formed. Now you may be wondering what a hurricane is,It is a really big storm with strong winds.It can be at least 75 mph, and the most 200 mph. They usually form late summer or early fall because warm ocean waters near the equator.                            
Many places affected by the hurricane
Hurricane Mathew formed in the atlantic ocean.All the places it hit where Jamaica,Cuba,the Dominican republic,the Bahamas,Haiti,Florida,North carolina,South carolina,Georgia and Virginia.                  

Effects of the storm
When the storm first formed the level of it was a Tropical storm,then it went all the way up to a category 4 and on october 1st it was category 5!  When the storm got to the U.S.A it went up florida first.It went along the coast of Floirda mostly efffecting Nothern parts of the state.46 people in the U.S.A died because of the hurracane but in Hati Almost 900 people died.The flooding was the main cause of death.They also closed Disney world for the fourth time ever! (due to storm worries).  
What people had to do to get ready

To prepare for the storm more than 2 million people along the coast of the U.S.A evacuated their homes before the storm. Millions of people lost power due to strong winds.The damage in the U.S.A was estimated at 7 billion dollars.(mostly due to flooding and wind).There was concern that the Hurricane was going to be worse than it was. Florida was mostly relieved,but haiti has a lot to do to clean up.I hope that this is the worst of whats to come.                                               

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