Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The claymo lesson   By Ashleigh Horan
Thursday September 8, 2016 the whole school had our first CLAYMO lesson! It went very well and just as we planned it.  We did the newspaper challenge, we talked about the olympic mindsets, and we talked about how they worked as group. The lesson was on persistence.
Our group in CLAYMO
        In our group, When they were doing the challenge the CLAYMO leaders were looking for people showing the olympic mindset, we gave out lots of strips to people, and depending on what color strip of paper you got the means that you showed that olympic mindset if you got a yellow strip you showed persistence, if you got a black strip you showed Flexibility, if you got a red strip you showed Empathy, and if you got a blue strip you showed Optimism. At the end we put all of them together and when we did that we had a very long chain.

   “Finally done with the CLAYMO lesson”
       Usually After the Claymo lesson  it is very chaotic and this day was no different, I interviewed lot’s of people from my class and most of them said that it was kind of chaotic and most of them said it was because it was the first day of claymo so everyone was excited to say how their lesson went.  Everyone was talking the entire way back to the classroom and the thing I heard the most was was that the lesson went well and that they were glad they were “Finally done with the claymo lesson.”

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