Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Rap Battle By: Tatum

By: Tatum

The 5th grade Rap Battle:
Some 5th grade students at Glenridge Elementary gather in a circle at the rock wall on the playground so they can do a RAP BATTLE

The Start of the Rap Battle:
On September 9, 2016 5th grade boys were minding their own business until they heard some chanting. It didn’t take long before they new who it was, because the girls were bothering them for the last few days. The boys just wanted to play there War game in peace. The Girls leader (Sara) challenged the Boys leader (Tatum also known as T Dizzle) to a race against one of the fastest girls in the grade. Her name was Ava. And a person from the Boys group was not the fastest in the grade and I did not want to hurt his feelings, by not letting him race so I told the girls that we should do a RAP BATTLE. The girls really didn’t answer but, we were going to do it anyway because I thought it was a great idea.                                                                 

Sara’s Interview
Sara thinks that the girls won in the RAP BATTLE.”You Boys are so annoying”
She thought it was unfair that the Boys excluded the Girls from the Boys game of War. Didn’t like that the Boys turned a girl rebelein into a RAP BATTLE. And she thought that T dizzles roasts were stupid. Didn’t like when the Boys ran around the whole playground yelling “Ohhhh” every time they said something. She was afraid that the Girls were going to lose in the rap battle and that's why she was complaining about turning a girl rebel into a rap battle.

Boys co captain:
I had Epley Win sit down so we can ask him a few question. He would have liked to spit so bars instead of giving T Dizzle ideas. He felt like the boys had a lot of power. He liked the RAP BATTLE because he felt like it was a good experience. He thought that the girls had terrible raps and says that they did not take the rap battle serious and that's being disrespectful because it was taking up all the Boys recess. Thought that chasing T Dizzle around the playground was loud and fun.

Boys Domination:
At the end of this event, the boys came on top and took home the victory. And it was a big deal because how small the  Boys population in the 5th grade and the whole school.

The Ending:
There  might be more event later on in the future with greater attendance and better raps spoken upon the children, girls and boys. The chaperones will take videos to share among the 5th grade classes and it will bring joy and laughter. The boys and girls in 5S will still say “Tatum” everytime he apers upon the smartboard. And Mrs. Scotino will still smile at me and that lets me know that I bring joy to her heart. The Girls might beat the boys for a change or the Boys will still destroy the Girls. But till then I’m T Dizzle the NYG. Stay safe, stay in school, and keep it real.               


  1. The ending was legit and a good cliff hangar and the pictures and the whole story was on point.

  2. I think this is the first out of two times you wrote about the rap battle. But I like the details and interviews

  3. I think this is the first out of two times you wrote about the rap battle. But I like the details and interviews
